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Friday, December 10, 2010

"banyak tanya betul!"

instruction : once you are tagged, answer all the questions honestly

Person who tagged : adik ipar, acik - littlelabilabi.blogspot.com
Starting time : 6.44 am on Friday (10 Dec, 2010)

Name : nona.na.nabil.nabilah.nur.kak long
Full name : nur nabilah bt abd rahim
Sibling(s) : 4
Eye colour : dark brown
Shoe size : 8 atau 9
Hair : black to dark brown (ikut keturunan tok belah abah, tapi die memang perang)
Height : 155cm
What are you wearing right now : baju kurung pakai pegi ofis semalam
Where do you live : kg gong pak jin
Favourite number : semestinya 11
Favourite drink : sparkling apple & ice blended chocolate
Favourite month : bulan.......2 kot
Favourite breakfast : ayyo....ape2 je la.nasi lemak kot. tp kalo ade pancake+honey pun will do

-Have you ever-

Broken a bone : nope
Been in a police car : nope jugak
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : ada kot.nick carter BSB kire aci tak?kikiki
Swam in the ocean : ada. tp berlakon mcm berenang je, sebab tak reti berenang
Fallen asleep in school : tak pernah, cuma untuk subjek Sejarah mase Form 1-3 saje :p
Broken someone's heart : ade kot
Cried when someone died : setakat ni tak pernah lagi, sebab takde lagi closest family member yang meninggal
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : erk...pernah. even sampai sekarang pun ada.tunggu encik suami call,tp bukan sat by the phone.berbaring je :)
Saved e-mails : yup
Been cheated on : ada!


Your room look like : same macam bilik masa jadi pengantin dulu, cuma tambah ngan rak buku, plus lagi banyak barang berbanding ngan bilik masa ari kawin tu ;p
What is right beside you : encik Muhammad
What is the last thing you ate : lunch tengahari semalam - spagetti bolognese. patut le sangat lapar ye skrg ni. hurm..

-Ever Had-

Chicken pox : pernah, masa darjah 3. sebab gatal gi tido skali ngan ciksu. kan dah padan muka kena jangkit. kui3
Sore throat : pernah, dulu2 kala
Stitches : nope. tapi jahit lepas beranak kire ke?

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight : Yes
Like picnics? : suke2. picnic kat tepi pantai


Who did you last yell at? : masa panggil ma. sebab terkejut tengok katak beso duk melompat depan muka masa nak masuk rumah pagi semalam
Who was the last person you danced with? : encik suami -- tp dalam mimpi je
Who last made you smile? : encik muhammad -- tengok gelagat dia belajar merangkak

-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now? : bunyi game cafe world plus suara encik muhammad babble sorang2
What did you do today? : bangun pagi, kejut muhammad, main2 ngan muhammad, baca entry adik ipar, pastu jawab soalan yang ditag oleh adik ipar
Are you the oldest? : yup -- the oldest dalam my sibling, the oldest cucu belah abah, the oldest cucu ppuan belah ma, the oldest cicit untuk belah abah
Indoors or outdoors? : outdoors

-Last person who-

You talked to on the phone ? : suami dicintai
Made you cry? : dah tak ingat.encik suami jugak kot,tp mase tu sebab saya craved nak makan kfc mase pregnant kan muhammad,tp xsempat nak gi.tp nangis cover2 ye (tp akhirnye dapat makan jugak ye aritu.heheh)

-Have you-

Been to Mexico ? : nope
Been to USA ? : was made and born there. pastu balik mesia. kire pernah pegi ke? idok la kn. sebab lepas tu tak pernah pegi dah


Have a crush on someone? : crush, ade! encik suami la. dah bape tahun ye??? yang part ni, i keep it to myself. hihi
What books are you reading right now? : Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella
Best feeling in the world? : Mula2 perasaan lepas kawin. Then, i think it would be perasaan right after deliver baby. perasaan yang tak boleh nak digambarkan, tengok zuriat sendiri lepas 9bulan mengandungkan anak -- the best feeling ever :D
Future kids name? : Muhammad _____ & Nur ______ (blanks tu kena fill in kemudian la)
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : oh tidak
What's under your bed? : hadiah kawin
Favourite sport (s) : (tengah pikir) men computer game aci tak?
Favourite place : pantai/pulau
Who do you really hate? : orang yang suka berlagak
Do you have a job? : yes

What time is it now?: 9.05 am on Friday (10 Dec, 2010).

p/s : with however long it took you to complete this, post as " banyak tanya betul!" and tag 15 people.
dan sape2 la lagi

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